Hi all,

I am not in favour of possible confusing meanings of names of tages and values 
in other languages than English influence these. Otherwise there is no end to 
this. Better add properly translated pages to the wiki.



On August 30, 2017 9:37:50 AM GMT+02:00, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
>I'm afraid we would start running out of usable words real fast if we
>could only use those with non-confusing meanings in their original and
>other languages (maybe Kindergarten, oh perhaps rather not :-)).
>Seriously the term boutique is so firmly anchored in the English
>language that doing away with the term in OSM is likely not going to
>work. As to Daniels suggestion of adding more subtags, it doesn't seem
>to be sensible to replace the existing clothes tag with clothes:type
>(minus a couple of values) just so that things are a bit more
>systematic. Adding the others, and using them on boutique, fashion and
>clothes (plus the other garment related top level objects) why not.
>Naturally in the end this doesn't actually answer my question as to
>the defining aspects of shop=fashion are :-).
>Am 29.08.2017 um 19:27 schrieb Severin Menard:
>> Hi,
>> IMHO, I would drop shop=boutique because it is one of the most
>> confusing tag, especially in French-speaking contexts.
>> Basically in French from France, boutique is a generic word meaning
>> shop. More than what it sells, it designates the place, generally not
>> very large ("magasin" would then more used). A French butcher tells
>> his/her family after the breakfast: "Have a good day everyonem, I
>> open the boutique now". We have an expression for "boutique de"
>> (literally shop of) something, that can be used for clothes from
>> I guess derivates the shop=boutique concept. Is it only in the
>> Anglo-sphere that the word boutique means this or also in other
>> cultural contexts? Eg in Brazil as far as I know people do not use
>> boutique, while they are quite fond of French words (like maison
>> meaning house) for shops that want to be considered as "chique".
>> In French-speaking African countries, this generic word is massively
>> used for the most generic shop by far: a small convenience store,
>> selling food and non food items all over the walls, up to the
>> where you ask at a desk what you want. This makes it a kind of kiosk,
>> even if many are not separate shops but taking one part of the
>> basement of a building. And they are not chic at all. And they are
>> very, very numerous: in a large city you find one every 50 or 100
>> meters. For sure there are more African boutiques in the world than
>> the boutiques of hand-made fashion clothes. Of course, new African
>> contributors in these countries logically use shop=boutique for their
>> own cultural reality so some streets in Africa are full of
>> So IMHO I would tag these fashionable shop the most generic way as
>> possible, not reflecting only one specific cultural context and
>> avoiding using boutique. I think a subtag to differentiate
>> ready-to-wear and hand-made would fit. What do you think?
>> Sincerely,
>> Severin
>>     Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 14:42:38 +1000
>>     From: Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:graemefi...@gmail.com>>
>>     To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools"
>>             <tagging@openstreetmap.org
>>     Subject: Re: [Tagging] shop=fashion
>>     Message-ID:
>>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>     Hi
>>     Just consulted with an authority in these matters - my wife! :-)
>>     Her take:
>>     shop=clothes is chain stores (ie same shop in multiple shopping
>>     centres /
>>     towns) aimed at lower-middle end of the market
>>     shop=fashion is middle - higher end, but still chain stores
>>     shop=boutique is "one-off" shops eg selling hand-made rather than
>>     mass-produced clothes; niche / speciality items etc
>>     Hope that helps?
>>     Thanks
>>     Graeme
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