Am 30.08.2017 um 10:01 schrieb Marc Gemis:
> It would be nice if shop=boutique would show an icon with clothes or
> something similar instead of a dot on the default osm-style. So people
> would see they made a mistake.

Not only that.  Any translations and the like should (naturally) give a
name/description in the language that is appropriate.  With other words
using "boutique" as the French translation of shop=boutique would be a
bad idea and I'm wondering if we have this problem with some of the
editors, or if there are other reasons why there is so much confusion,.


> m.
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Jean-Marc Liotier <> wrote:
>> (late message because antispam rejected before)
>> On 2017-08-29 19:27, Severin Menard wrote:
>>> In French-speaking African countries, this generic word is massively
>>> used for the most generic shop by far: a small convenience store,
>>> selling food and non food items all over the walls, up to the
>>> ceiling, where you ask at a desk what you want. This makes it a kind
>>> of kiosk, even if many are not separate shops but taking one part of
>>> the basement of a building. And they are not chic at all. And they
>>> are very, very numerous: in a large city you find one every 50 or 100
>>> meters. For sure there are more African boutiques in the world than
>>> the boutiques of hand-made fashion clothes. Of course, new African
>>> contributors in these countries logically use shop=boutique for their
>>> own cultural reality so some streets in Africa are full of
>>> false-cognates.
>> Here is what Séverin is talking about:
>> I guarantee that every single one of these shop=boutique in the Dakar
>> Peninsula are these shop=(convenience|kiosk) that most French-speaking
>> West-Africans name "boutique". We regularly correct them but they
>> sprout even faster - so much that it may indeed be argued that we
>> should go with the flow.
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