That's a challenging one, but it's possible to use a lifecycle prefix
like proposed:aeroway=aerodrome or abandoned=yes?

If 2 prefixes can be added, you could use abandoned:proposed:aeroway=aerodrome

But I wonder if people are talking about the former proposed airstrip
when they refer to this location.

Is there a physical geography feature at this location as well,
perhaps a valley or plateau or natural meadow?

On 4/16/19, Mark Wagner <> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 13:25:14 +0200
> Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
>> place=locality is currently used as a generic tag for anything with a
>> name for which no established more precise tag exists.
>> This kind of contradicts the idea of OSM which would normally suggest
>> to invent a new tag then for the type of feature you have.
>> Subtagging the generic tag to make it less generic would kind of take
>> this to a whole new level.  You could take this even further and
>> suggest tagging everything in OSM something like 'feature=thing' and
>> then differentiating only through 'thing=*'.
>> Long story short - to better differentiate what is currently tagged
>> place=locality the way to go is IMO to create more specific top level
>> tags (or use existing ones like the mentioned "disused:/abandonded:").
> There's a "place=locality" near me called "Seven Mile Airstrip".  Now,
> that's an interesting choice of names for the place, because there's no
> evidence that it was ever used for aviation.  The best guess I've seen
> for where the name came from is that it was intended as an auxiliary
> runway for Spokane Army Air Depot during World War II, and after
> construction was canceled, the name stuck around.
> What tag would you recommend for "thing people believe is the abandoned
> construction site for a runway that was never built"?
> --
> Mark
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