Thank James, this is some good feedback.

James Strachan wrote:
>>I agree. Do you think the JSTL SQL and XML tags hurt future quality of
> Huh?

Just meaning maintenance as you answered later on in the e-mail.

>>For instance, a MVC pattern can keep all of its View components
>>regardless of changes to the backend. This is due to a clean abstraction
>>and good interface (e.g. custom JavaBean). With something such as the
>>JSTL SQL or XML tags you are restricted to a datasource or XML,
> If your development team wish to go the whole hog and put custom bean
> wrappers around every piece of information in your enterprise, then you can
> happily use the core JSTL tags to work with that data. If you have some SQL
> or XML data available you need to present in a web page, you can use the SQL
> or XML tags - it gets the job done quickly. One size does not fit all,
> choose the best tool for the job. Also there's value in an XP approach, only
> refactor code to add layers and abstractions if you really need to do so,
> don't do unnecessary development work unless there is a real need to do so..

Right, the concept it clear and I agree. What would be helpful is 
personally have the SQL and XML tags helped you? Have you found them 
handy when working on JSP/Servlet related projects, if so what type of a 
project was it and  how much time to you think it saved?

>>The advantage of using Java is getting everything Java supports. Namely,
>>you can easily write up some validation and error handling code in Java.
> But we're talking about page designers here, so Java is not relevant as page
> designers typically are not Java developers. Maybe you're suggesting we
> dispense with page designers altogether and just have Java developers write
> Java Servlets for everything?

I'm not suggesting page designers are to be dispensed with, but I do 
think someone who cares about XML and SQL related to the web app should 
be more then a page designer, e.g. they should understand Java. If you 
have people working on a project that are only page designers they 
should only focus on the page, not caring about where the dynamic 
content comes from or how it got there.

Do you think it is a common to have a page designer fluent in HTML/XHTML 
and some client-side scripting also understand SQL or XML enough to be 
able to easily use the JSTL XML and SQL related tags?


Jayson Falkner

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