I've approached this from the angle of what we'd need to get the data
to look like if importing as is into OSM. I couldn't find any tools
which correctly ensure that boundary ways were shared via relations
instead of duplicated so I wrote some new tools. The process I used is
documented at https://github.com/andrewharvey/psma-admin-bdy2osm

The processed AUGUST 2018 LGA + Suburb/Locality OSM file is at


The file is quite big so you'll need enough memory to open it in JOSM.

In JOSM you can open this directly with the PBF plugin otherwise any
of the software at
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PBF/Software_Compliance can
deflate it.

I see the next steps are to:

- discuss if this is the right format for upload or not,
- how we'll manage that upload in terms of breaking it up into smaller pieces
- if there is any re-using of existing ways or not
- how to ensure we're retaining the existing LGA/Suburb data in OSM.
This includes both relations and those mapped as points (as Joel
touched on). Those mapped as points are likely suitable for either the
label or admin_center members of the relation.

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