
On 3/2/22 09:34, Phil Wyatt wrote:

…. and then work on getting the def:syntax incorporated as defaults into the database somehow?

That would be good, but I'm not sure how to do it.

One place to start would be to mention on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Access_restrictions#Australia that these defaults have been documented in the state relations and include links to these relations. This at least raises the visibility of how we have tried to document them, and anyone writing a routing engine can see these defaults in machine readable form.

I am happy to edit that wiki, with community guidance, to at least show what is in the relations def:’s if that is acceptable. I also note other countries have notes in respect of some restrictions so if folks have links to relevant material I don’t think it hurts to add them.

Updating the WIKI with state variations would make sense.

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