On 4/2/22 10:05, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Thu, 3 Feb 2022 at 19:32, <osm.talk...@thorsten.engler.id.au> wrote:

    I assume these National parks where different rules are in effect
    have a boundary relation.

    In which case it would be possible to either:

    a) tag a def: directly on that boundary relation with the rules
    that apply
    or (maybe better in this case)
    b) create a type=defaults relation “Tasmania National Parks
    Defaults” with all the defaults that apply in national parks, then
    add that relation to any national park boundary relation where it
    applies as member with the role of defaults

    (b) is basically following the defaults proposal exactly, and
    allows to define the defaults once and the re-use them for all
    national parks.

A problem with that would be that in a number of cases that I know of, you can ride a bike along the roads /into/ the National Park, but you can't then take your bike onto the walking tracks, so a Park-wide default may not work?

Around me .. it varies. While there are 'general rules' (that I'd term 'a guide') the on the ground situation is confusing to say the least!

The tracks - wide enough for a 4WD seem to be open for MTBs.. but paths - not wide enough for 4WDs are closed to MTBs... that is not the situation in all National Parks, and in some National Parks only some tracks are open while others are closed.

Personally I'll continue to tag them individually ...

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