On 05/10/2013 02:03 PM, Ben Abelshausen wrote:
Importing this data into OSM is never going to work I think, but just like the AGIV data, it can be used to aid mapping. This way we can get the data into OSM to a quality level even exceeding the original data. Something I'm sure data providers are interested in.

Indeed, It would be a disaster importing AGIV data as-is , by itself its very valuable but after like housenumbering my town here I can positively confirm that it's not up to date with buildings newer than like 1/2 years and that it still contains plenty of errors (buildings too little/ too much / wrong housenumbers / incomplete ones (100 vs 100/1 vs 100/a etc).

But to aid osm mapping and verifying, or doublechecking data, it sure helps, but imports will never be as well done as a human being would scrutinise the data more thoroughly.


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