
I'm not sure they can be vastly improved, it probably depends a lot on
what boundary.

In that understanding that there is lot's of stuff attached to those
boundaries that shouldn't be there.  So when you are working to improve
boundaries, you'll need to address plenty of those cases, and that will
slow you down (a lot) and prevent more automated fixes.

One could also just go in and unglue all stuff that needs to be as a
preparation and work with clean -closed way- borders, no crap attached.
 That would open the road for 'program-assisted' changes.

Little example: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/gz0

node 1712080972 : amenity attached to the border



On 01-06-16 15:46, joost schouppe wrote:
> RIP Marc.
> So I understand the geometry of the municipal boundaries could be vastly
> improved.
> I'm guessing the easiest workflow would be to load just the geometry of
> the municipalities and just the OSM municipalities in JOSM, then merge
> the nodes of the OSM municipalities to the external data. Afterwards,
> just discard the external geometry. Right?
> I think I could quite easily identify the largest differences with FME
> to help set priorities. But I would think this is something where we
> would just want to copy the official dataset node for node, no?

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