Well, it depends on your definition of vastly :)
(I haven't looked at the size of the differences yet)

I was talking about municipal borders (admin_level=8), postal codes as in
your example are a wholly different beast, one I wouldn't want to tackle
right now.
But yes, they have a lot of things sticking to them too.

So when is our next hackathon to work on things like this?

2016-06-01 16:00 GMT+02:00 Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be>:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure they can be vastly improved, it probably depends a lot on
> what boundary.
> In that understanding that there is lot's of stuff attached to those
> boundaries that shouldn't be there.  So when you are working to improve
> boundaries, you'll need to address plenty of those cases, and that will
> slow you down (a lot) and prevent more automated fixes.
> One could also just go in and unglue all stuff that needs to be as a
> preparation and work with clean -closed way- borders, no crap attached.
>  That would open the road for 'program-assisted' changes.
> Little example: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/gz0
> node 1712080972 : amenity attached to the border
> Greets,
> Glenn
> On 01-06-16 15:46, joost schouppe wrote:
> > RIP Marc.
> >
> > So I understand the geometry of the municipal boundaries could be vastly
> > improved.
> >
> > I'm guessing the easiest workflow would be to load just the geometry of
> > the municipalities and just the OSM municipalities in JOSM, then merge
> > the nodes of the OSM municipalities to the external data. Afterwards,
> > just discard the external geometry. Right?
> >
> > I think I could quite easily identify the largest differences with FME
> > to help set priorities. But I would think this is something where we
> > would just want to copy the official dataset node for node, no?
> >
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