On 2018-01-28 04:21 PM, Matthew Darwin wrote:
> Here is the licence (Federal): 
> http://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada

Here are some of the problems with that licence, in as many other
people's word's as possible:

* Like the OGL-UK, it doesn't deal with third-party rights. This is a

* Unlike the OGL-UK, the TB licence doesn't have a compatibility clause.
The UK licence includes this clause:

> “These terms are compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution
> License 4.0 and the Open Data Commons Attribution License, both of
> which license copyright and database rights. This means that when the
> Information is adapted and licensed under either of those licences,
> you automatically satisfy the conditions of the OGL when you comply
> with the other licence. The OGLv3.0 is Open Definition compliant.”

The Canadian licence gives no such assurance.

* Unlike the OGL-UK, the licence doesn't cover the whole public sector.
This from personal communication from Simon Poole of the OSM
Foundation's legal team from March 2017:

>> [The Ontario and Toronto licences] illustrate why we didn't want
>> to make a blanket statement wrt OGL licence variants in CA and why
>> in general the situation is a bit of a mess.

It's also worth playing with CLIPOL - http://clipol.org/ - to see how
badly myriad open data licences work together.

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