On Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 01:55:30PM +0100, OJ W wrote:
> > Instead, I’d like to see a way of saying someone has verified the data
> > without changing it.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Checked_by

I’ve seen that proposal before, and it feels a little “icky”.  The
comment by Kumakyoo highlights one of the problems with it, and your
solution of cross‐referencing with the history would work, but that
sounds like a lot of work for what should be a simple task.

I also feel that only a user should be able to add their own name to the
list.  You could check that against the username on the changeset, but
again it seems like making more work than necessary.

It also leaves with the possibility that the tag easily builds up over
time with usernames who have checked previous edits being left in after
new edits have been made.  Keeping the tag clean means maintenance work,
and changes would ideally be made to either the server side code to
treat this tag specially or for every editor to additionally maintain
the tag.  Although it may seem unlikely to get so many people verifying
at this time, based on ~10 characters per username, the maximum number
of characters allowed for tag values in the current API (255 AFAIK) is
reached with the 26th user to add; it doesn’t scale very well.

On a data level, the checked_by tag isn’t really relevent to the feature
in the map data.  It is data about the particular state the data was in
at the time, more along the lines of the username and timestamp for an

I haven’t thought much about how it would be implemented, but I think
you want at least the following easily queryable, especially if you’re
going to be pulling data out based on rules involving the people who
verified the data and how many verified it: element id, element version,
checked by user id, date checked.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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