Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Oh yeah, and let's also get their addresses and hang them! I am amazed 
> at how much hostility this Liam123 is able to provoke.

I'm not. I think it's similar to the way people react to virus writers 
after their computer is infected. I've heard plenty of people suggest 
that they should get all sorts of severe punishments, up to and 
including hanging. I'd guess it's frustration at the sheer mindlessness 
of the attacks.

> We must improve our means to detect and deal with vandalism, not circle 
> the wagons and make participation more difficult for the > 99% of 
> well-meaning users just because there's < 1% of killjoys. That would be 
> the worst thing we could do.

I agree. I'd like to see a situation where someone can see something is 
wrong (their road name is spelled wrong, say) and they can fix it, 
easily. I haven't made major changes in Wikipedia, but I've made plenty 
of small changes, fixing typos and things, and I did it because it was 
drop-dead simple. I've got an account, but I didn't even bother logging 
in to make most of those changes, because it wasn't worth the hassle. A 
few fixed typos can make an article significantly more readable. In our 
case, if a town has been mapped using Yahoo, we may not have road names, 
but if locals can log in and each fill in a few names, the map becomes 
much better.


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