Tom Evans <tom.evan...@...> writes:

>>Often when OS and OSM disagree I will tag this

>>      FIXME=Check name - OSM has Marefield Gardens, OS has Maresfield Gardens
>>Usually I will also delete the name= tag, so that the street shows up in
>>noname checks to be resurveyed (and because the correct name is unknown).
>Isn't that last act a little rash?
>You then create a system where somebody goes out and maps stuff, but 
>then whenever we have another source (of which there are a growing 
>number) which disagrees, data gets cleared, then maybe restored later 
>after somebody goes out there again?  How about in any case of 
>disagreement you flag it, but leave the data *exactly as it is* until 
>someone can go and check it?

I've now resurveyed many street names around London where the OSM name
was different from OS.  Ten to one, the Ordnance Survey data is correct
and OSM was wrong.  Only in a tiny number of cases did I find that OS
was incorrect (and tagged not:name for them to fix it).

I will only tag names for resurveying round my local area where I know that
I'll be able to go out and check them before too long.

In general, I suggest that the procedure to follow depends on an estimate
of the relative quality of the two data sets.  I certainly wouldn't remove
the OSM name tag just because of some suspicion that it might possibly be
wrong; in these cases the right thing is to tag a FIXME and leave the data
in place.  But if it's more likely than not that OSM is incorrect, is there
really a strong reason to leave the probably-wrong name in place?  Surely
incorrect data on the map is just as bad as missing data?

>As another suggestion: Is there a special tag we can add to force it to 
>highlight on the noname check without actually destroying the name tag?

That would be a good idea.

However, if you think it's important that the name be left in place rather
than removed, I would suggest the best thing to do is to put the Ordnance
Survey name in as 'name' and leave the former OSM name in a note.  At least
in London, my experience is that the OS data is generally of higher quality,
and if you had to pick one or the other, I'd go with OS by default unless
it's specifically tagged that OS is wrong.

Ed Avis <>

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