Tom Evans <tom.evan...@...> writes:

>>I will only tag names for resurveying round my local area where I know that
>>I'll be able to go out and check them before too long.
>Fair enough.  If you're always fixing it soon afterwards it doesn't 
>really matter much.
>But in that case why not just go do it - why change the database first?
>If you tag the discrepancy you're only likely to attract somebody 
>else's attention (which you don't actually want if you're definitely 
>going to check it yourself soon - no point in both of you resurveying 
>the same place straight away).

I must admit, the main reason to do it this way round is to make use of
existing noname-checking tools such as Cloudmade's Garmin map or the noname overlay.

As for attracting somebody else's attention, I'm not bothered about that,
I'd be quite happy for someone else to check it if they happened to be in the
area, and equally happy to wander around checking things added to the map
by others.

>Are most of the incorrect entries not just a 
>little bit wrong?  i.e. misspelt, but still better than missing data.

The differences between OS and OSM broadly fall into a few categories.

- Trivia such as punctuation or abbreviations.  For abbreviations like 'Ln'
  or 'Rd' I will make sure that OSM has the long form of the name even if
  OS doesn't.  Apostrophes have been discussed elsewhere on this list; I
  make some attempt to research what the correct name is and will only change
  OSM if I'm confident the new value is more correct.  I would not unset
  name= just for these mismatches - they don't really need a resurvey.

- Obvious typos in OSM - corrected immediately (check both spellings with
  a web search just in case).

- Not-so-obvious typos, for example Elverton Street in Westminster was tagged
  as name=Everton Street.  Here I will unset the name tag to prompt a resurvey.
  (In the above case, as in most cases, OS is correct.)

- Cases where OS is more detailed than OSM.  Usually a long road will have
  two different names in OS while in OSM the same name has been tagged all
  the way along.  This is very common and almost always OS is correct.
  On the section of street where OS and OSM disagree, I will remove the name
  and add a FIXME note.  However, the rest of the street still has its name.
  I'm tempted to just add the name from OS, but to be even-handed I feel a
  resurvey is best.

- Minor name differences, often Lane versus Street versus Avenue.  Admittedly
  it might be better to leave the existing name in place here, since it is
  better than nothing.  OS is usually correct here but not overwhelmingly so.

- Completely different names - it always puzzles me where these come from.
  (A recent example is Castle Lane in Westminster, which had been tagged as
  name=Westminster Lane.  Both street signs agree with OS.)  Again I normally
  unset the name tag to prompt a resurvey.  I haven't checked enough of these
  examples to assess the general likelihood that OS is correct.

>I see your argument about the relative likelihood of the two answers.  
>I think replacing with OS would be better than temporarily removing the 
>name entirely.  Something rankles about overriding the guy/gal who did 
>a ground survey without going to the spot to check first though.

Yes, and that consideration is often why I don't simply put the OS name in
instead.  Putting both alternatives in a FIXME note and leaving the name
unset is partly so I'm not favouring one side or the other.

Ed Avis <>

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