> I will only tag names for resurveying round my local area where I know that
> I'll be able to go out and check them before too long.

Fair enough.  If you're always fixing it soon afterwards it doesn't 
really matter much.

But in that case why not just go do it - why change the database first?  
If you tag the discrepancy you're only likely to attract somebody 
else's attention (which you don't actually want if you're definitely 
going to check it yourself soon - no point in both of you resurveying 
the same place straight away).

> In general, I suggest that the procedure to follow depends on an estimate
> of the relative quality of the two data sets.  I certainly wouldn't remove
> the OSM name tag just because of some suspicion that it might possibly be
> wrong; in these cases the right thing is to tag a FIXME and leave the data
> in place.  But if it's more likely than not that OSM is incorrect, is there
> really a strong reason to leave the probably-wrong name in place?  Surely
> incorrect data on the map is just as bad as missing data?

Regarding the last point: Are most of the incorrect entries not just a 
little bit wrong?  i.e. misspelt, but still better than missing data.

I see your argument about the relative likelihood of the two answers.  
I think replacing with OS would be better than temporarily removing the 
name entirely.  Something rankles about overriding the guy/gal who did 
a ground survey without going to the spot to check first though.


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