On 08/08/2018 14:20, Lester Caine wrote:
On 08/08/18 13:54, Colin Smale wrote:
There are plenty of examples of "former" objects in OSM - closed pubs, railway alignments etc. They are only still there because they are perceived to have some kind of relevance in the present day. Can a case be made that these historic counties are still "relevant" today?

I'm listening to the steam trains pulling in and out of Broadway station at the moment. This was a 'disused' line and there was talk about removing that sort of data from OSM. The line out of Broadway goes on north and still has a designated use of 'disused railway'. I don't know if the line will ever be extended, but in some peoples minds it's on the cards as it could eventually link to Stratford Upon Avon. That end of the line has now been built on so a new terminus would have to stop short, but knowing where the line used to run through that house estate is interesting to some.

The disused line north of Broadway to Honeybourne is still visible on the ground, though. So it needs to be mapped. But the former route of the line through Stratford isn't visible on the ground, so it doesn't need to be mapped. A building which was once a pub is still worth noting as a former pub (particularly if it still looks like a pub). But if it's demolished, leaving no trace, there's no need to retain a marker for where it was.

In any case, though, mapping administrative boundaries performs a different function to mapping physical geography (either natural or man-made). Administrative boundaries (other than where they coincide with natural features such as a river) are not visible even when fully active. There may be a sign on the road telling me when I pass from Worcestershire into Gloucestershire, but there's nothing on the ground which indicates any difference. However, administrative boundaries matter, because they affect everyday life in many different ways. So mapping them makes sense, even though they can't be seen. You can't make the same argument for a former railway route that has been completely obliterated by a housing development.

As I understand it (and those with a much longer association with OSM can, no doubt, correct me if I'm wrong), the point of OSM is to be a useful map for everyday purposes by ordinary people (ie, not cartography specialists or other academic purposes). So, we map things that can be seen, such as rivers, roads, woodland, buildings, etc - the physical environment - and we map things that are unseen, but directly affect our use of the physical environment, such as road classifications and administrative boundaries. But we don't map things that are unseen and do not affect everyday interactions with the physical environment.

Now-obliterated former rail (and road) routes fall into the latter category, and so do non-current administrative boundaries. That doesn't mean they're of no interest at all. But they are only of interest to a relatively small subset of potential users of the map, and as such are better catered for by specialist variants of the map (such as OHM, or OpenRailwayMap).

Putting everything in OSM merely adds unnecessary complexity, and creates more problems down the line with maintenance when those who originally added the data lose interest. It also risks putting off newcomers to OSM editing, who may find the learning curve created by loads of seemingly extraneous data to be too challenging.

There has to be a limit somewhere, and, as far as non-visible data is concerned, being relevant to everyday, *non-specialist* life is the best place to put it.


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