On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 at 10:53, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
<robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at https://maps.nls.uk/copyright.html#exceptions am I right in
> thinking that the non-commercial contract restriction also applies to
> some other NLS layers (e.g. OS 1:25k and 7th series scans) which have
> been available (and being used) in popular OSM editors for some time
> now? Do we have some specific permission to use those layers, and if
> so does that permission apply to the new house number layer as well?

The wiki appears to imply that specific permission has been granted in
some cases, although the wording is a bit vague and could probably do
with being clarified:


Russ Garrett

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