For maintenance, the way we do it now doesn't work IMHO. At least not with
only a handful of (40-50) mappers in both Belgium and The Netherlands. We
can't keep up with the changes.

IMHO The amount of work to add new data is approx. the same as verifying
and keeping it up to date.
I wonder how many mappers we really need to keep a country such a The
Netherlands up-to-date. Not only on addresses, but also on POIs (companies,
shops, benches, traffic signs, schools, sidewalks, paths, access
permissions, etc. etc.)

I also see  a "cultural" difference between The Netherlands (having done 2
major imports already) and Belgium (more averse towards big imports). So
it's also interesting to see how this has an impact on those things.

Happy mapping


p.s. Hopefully you can drop by some time and remove some of those phantom
buildings the AND import introduced in the north of Belgium :-)

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Maarten Deen <> wrote:

> On 2014-10-05 20:58, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> You'll beat us on numbers, that's true.
>> Maybe the problem that I see is not so much the imports, but the
>> maintenance of all that data (imported or manually added).
>> Who is going to see all those mistakes, changes, etc. when all the
>> data is there ? The one that I saw was a building in a forest. That's
>> easy to spot when it is demolished. But how will you notice that the
>> shape of a building is incorrect when there are thousands of
>> buildings?
> How will you do this if there has been no import? I see no difference in
> maintaining OSM data after import or after manual mapping. In both cases
> the environment can change and it will only be changed in OSM if someone
> notices.
> The only difference is that after an import there is more data. If you
> think maintaining more data is a bad thing, then we all have to stop
> entering in OSM.
>  At this moment, most communities are still adding data, the Dutch
>> import  speeds up this process, so the Dutch community will be in the
>> next phase before the others. You can rely on other parties (BAG) for
>> the updates, but will they catch mistakes ? The building I'm talking
>> about is demolished 2 or 3 years ago. Why was the BAG not updated yet
>> ? Will people be looking for mistakes when all data seems to be there
>> ?
> Again, I see no difference with manually entered data. There too you can
> have features that are years out of date. If no one notices, it is no
> problem. If a mapper notices it, it will be fixed.
>  So the challenge is to find people that want to find those mistakes.
>> Less interesting than adding new data.
>> I'm looking forward to see how the Dutch community is going to tackle
>> this.
> As said: the same as now. If you are not interested in maintaining the
> data you entered then that data will be outdated too. I'm just so glad we
> have a nice map in the Netherlands where I only need to fix minor things so
> I can spend time mapping somewhere else.
> Regards,
> Maarten
>  On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Johan C <> wrote:
>>  <Anyway this is not doing anything positive for my feelings on
>>> imports.>
>>> In terms of having data for a routing engine (like OsmAnd) a
>>> definition can be that any missing address in a country is an error.
>>> The number of missing addresses in the Netherlands is calculated
>>> recently: on a total of approx. 8,5 million addresses 60.000 are
>>> missing at the moment (0,7% error). How does that compare to Belgium
>>> or Germany?
>>> 2014-10-05 19:49 GMT+02:00 Marc Gemis <>:
>>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Johan C <> wrote:
>>> The BAG should contain the correct building outline, since this is
>>> Cadastral information, nowadays updated very often. But as any
>>> database, the BAG might incidentally have errors. Satellite imagery
>>> though is at risk of being well outdated. So in these cases it's
>>> possibly best to have groun truth info to determine the correct
>>> building outline.
>>> Funny that Florian found an error, and that I also found 2. And that
>>> for holiday mappers. :-)
>>> Anyway this is not doing anything positive for my feelings on
>>> imports.
>>> regards
>>> m
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