I am the editor in question.

The discussion appears to assume that roadway design conveys type. I do not 
necessarily agree.

However, I can see where some roads with a high HFCS classification may warrant 
a class downgrade. US 24 in Central Kansas obviously connects mainly smaller 
towns, whereas US 54 (which I had just re-classed as trunk a few days ago) 
connects larger towns and cities.

I would suggest the following guidance for rural HFCS:

Interstate: Motorway

Other Freeway and Expressway: Motorway/Trunk

Principal Arterial: Trunk/Primary [1]

Minor Arterial: Primary

Major Collector: Secondary/Tertiary

Minor Collector: Tertiary

[1] In rural areas, “Other Freeway and Expressway” is a subset of “Principal 
Arterial,” and may be marked on official state maps as the latter. If a roadway 
is fully controlled access, the Motorway tag should be used.

For urban areas, I would not make any major changes:

Interstate: Motorway

Other Freeway and Expressway: Motorway/Trunk

Principal Arterial: Primary

Minor Arterial: Secondary

Major Collector/Minor Collector: Tertiary

Generally, I have noticed that many urban roads will “drop class” when they 
transition into rural roads. Under the guidance above, most of these roadways 
will maintain a consistent type in OSM.

As to Mr. Fairhurst’s comment regarding routing, I’ll remind you it is frowned 
upon to tag for a routing engine. I would be happy to review the existing 
roadways myself to determine if they should be downgraded per any updated 
guidance; however, a bulk revert or manual cleanup without updated guidance 
will also be frowned upon.

From: Richard Fairhurst
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎September‎ ‎6‎, ‎2015 ‎10‎:‎43‎ ‎AM
To: OpenStreetMap talk-us list

Richard Welty wrote:
> i could see having an HFCS tag which carries that value for 
> informational purposes, but it shouldn't control our own classification.

In the UK we use the designation= tag to record official classifications
which might not be reflected in the highway type - I'd commend it.

Toby Murray wrote:
> This user has also upgraded a lot of unpaved county roads in 
> eastern Kansas to secondary because of HFCS which also strikes 
> me as wrong. You can clearly see where he has done this at 
> zoom level 9 [6]. 

Ye gods. That's horrid, and breaks every single car and bicycle router in
existence. Are those changesets cleanly revertable, or do we need a manual

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