My general rule of thumb for highway tagging in rural Kansas is as
follows. If I know nothing else about the road I start off with US
highway = primary, Kansas highway = secondary and county roads =
tertiary. Then adjust as needed.

For example. K-10 between Lawrence and Olathe [1] is controlled
access, dual carriageway with a 70 MPH speed limit so I would probably
bump it from secondary to trunk although I'm not sure I can come up
with a reason why its current tag of motorway is wrong so... sure, I'm
ok with that.

Another exception: I downgraded US 24 to secondary and upgraded K-82
to primary between Leonardville and Riley [2] because that leg of US
24 through Leonardville has a lower speed limit, no shoulder
whatsoever and is just generally a less maintained road than K-82.

I suppose there is some degree of subjectivity to the "adjust as
needed" step and things won't always match up with government opinion
but I feel like the end result is a better representation of how the
roads are actually built and maintained in the real world.



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