In rural parts of the northeast (particularly Vermont, New Hampshire, and
Maine) it's actually rather helpful to have driveways mapped. In many
cases, it's difficult to tell from the main road (with "main" being a
relative term) whether a traveled way is the limited-maintenance public
right-of-way or a private driveway (and many are privately maintained
driveways that also happen to be old roadways with associated public
right-of-way, but that's a can of worms for another time).

Personally, I'm not opposed to deleting them if it looks like the original
TIGER data was drawn by a blind monkey on crack, but if it's a reasonable
semblance of reality (even if only for someone who is accustomed to TIGER
and its foibles), having it in with reviewed:no is better than deleting it.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Tom Bloom <> wrote:

> TIGER drew thousands of driveways that are often simply wrong. They are
> tagged private and in my opinion spoil the map appearance with little red
> squiggles all over the place. No other map I've found includes them.
> Looking around the country, I notice some areas where they were removed,
> changed to service roads, drawn de novo, and one area (near Rosebud, OR)
> where they were inexplicably changed to living_street, which they just
> aren't.
> I've been deleting them if wildly wrong, and would like to delete all I
> encounter. Any ideas?
> (I mostly map in the Midwest)
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