Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> On 19.03.2008, at 09:14, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Which is why FOR LEGAL REASONS most decent wiki type frameworks don't 
>> have
>> delete as an option for basic users!
> [...]
>> HOPEFULLY more countries will follow AND and New Zealand in providing 
>> accurate
>> data but only if that data is properly managed in the framework.
> We don't manage other people's data on their behalf. We assimilate it 
> into the collective, and it thereby becomes everybody's data. We modify 
> it, delete it, replace it, change all of its properties and tags as we 
> see fit. If people are not happy with this then they shouldn't give us 
> their data.

And trash perfectly good information just because you can?

We have already seen examples of the sort of 'vandalism' that disputes can 
cause. *IF* everybody plays nicely together then we do not have a problem, but 
we live in a world were people take pleasure in doing as much damage as they 
can and at present there is not an easy way of repairing damage *IF* someone 
decided to have major fun.

We don't have tools for modifying contributed tracks, and contributed data 
COULD be handled in a similar way? A layer that can be copied much like any 
other overlay. The 'contributed by' would then be clearly identified and we 
can then go back to the source data if we find that something HAS been 
'modified' for what ever reason.

I suppose at the end of the day a link to the source data such as is available 
for TIGER data may have to do, but having everything in the one easily 
handleable format makes things a lot more flexible? Given the major holes in 
even just the UK - anything that would encourage access to other data sources 
should be encouraged?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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