On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:44:00AM +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> We don't manage other people's data on their behalf. We assimilate it  
> into the collective, and it thereby becomes everybody's data. We  
> modify it, delete it, replace it, change all of its properties and  
> tags as we see fit. If people are not happy with this then they  
> shouldn't give us their data.

  I absolutely agree with this (aka "+1").  
  OSM's baseline is user-collected data, freely given to project. 
  Imports of large datasets are nice, but if they can't be given
  under the same terms as my GPS tracks, OSM should have to use
  alternative sources. I believe the proof of large-scale useful
  coverage in the UK and other places, entirely contributed by
  user-effort, should give the project confidence to walk-away from
  incompatable data sources, rather than try to jump through hoops to
  get them.


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