This is a great idea, but why not just use Flickr or some similar photo site
that offers an API for geotagged photos?

The only unique thing we'd need to add is a method of recording the
orientation (X degrees from magnetic north, Y degrees inclination, Z degrees
field of view) of the photo at a given position (if known) so that we can
later build a StreetView-type interface for these images.

Such information could be stored with Flickr's API as machine tags.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 4:45 PM, John McKerrell <> wrote:

> So, after talking about my ideas for an OpenStreetView project at SOTM way
> back in July I've finally got things together enough to launch a site. I
> announced it on a few days ago to get some
> initial opininos but I think it's time to get a few more people looking at
> it. It does seem to be running a bit slow and I didn't have a huge amount of
> success with processing large numbers of photos earlier today but I want to
> get more images live on it by the time I give a talk about it on Thursday
> morning so I'll give you all a chance to get uploading. Please take a look
> at the email below for more instructions, it's definitely not perfect but
> it's functional for some specific uses.
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