On 22 Sep 2009, at 08:55, Claudius wrote:

> Am 21.09.2009 23:45, John McKerrell:
>>> To try it out, head over to http://openstreetview.org/
>>> You'll need to sign up for an account, verify your email address and
>>> then log in.
> The most important question for me: Why don't you use OSM's own OAuth
> infrastructure [1]? I don't feel comfortable signing up at yet another
> site and I don't want you to having to deal with keeping your user's
> data safe besides coding.

I could say that when I started coding this OSM's OAuth support wasn't  
actually released but the more honest answer would be that doing it  
this way was easiest and hence quickest. I wanted to get something out  
there so that we can try this out and see how it goes. If you don't  
want to enter your details that's fine and understandable. The code is  
open source and available on github so anyone can add that support but  
I'll probably do it before long if noone else does and it's stopping  
people from signing up.


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