On 22 Sep 2009, at 17:44, malenki wrote:

| There was an error saving your changes

Odd, I'll take a look, can you paste the URL to the thumbnail to help me identify it?

Besides there seems to be no way (atm) to edit several pictures in a
row. MArking some and clicking "mask sections" showed up only the
Yeah, this is something I'd like in the future but haven't had chance to do yet, definitely something I want in the future.

It would be nice to have p...@openstreetmap.org on gmane.
I'm not actually sure what you mean by this, is it something I need to set up for the pho...@openstreetmap.org mailing list?

For moderating photos:
1) It would be handy to be able to see the pictures in full resolution
since its a difference if a car with licence plate is photographed with
a 320x240 cam of a mobile phone or with a 12MP SLR. The thumbnails
aren't much helpful there.
Currently you see the image at max 1024 width/height, that's the biggest that is available, I recommend that you use a judgement call and mask out things if there's potential for them to be visible

2) If there are just few people like me who log & photograph all day
long for OSM, soon it will be hard work moderating all the thousands of
pictures. At my most productive day I made 1740 of them...

Yes... we'll have to see what we can do in the future, I'd say automated masking with human verification might be one option.

Questions: Housenumbers would not be a privacy problem I hope?

I don't believe so, I'd say they were useful.

I quite often make photographs of the ground when the highways surface
changes, Parking place starts here, ands here - are these kind pictures
welcome also?

Are there kinds of pictures you would not like to see on your server?
I suppose photos of the ground might be used as part of a 3D model but in general if it really does just look like a bit of gravel or completely sky then it's probably not useful. I'd say we don't want indoors photos, photos that are mainly inside a car or where the GPS is taking up most of the picture.... that said, we will need to allow photos of GPSes to be uploaded when we do server-side geotagging (i.e. uploading traces).

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