On 23 Sep 2009, at 21:27, Richard Bullock wrote:

>> [still not enough :)]
>> For moderating: right now I moderated several photos until I cam  
>> onto a
>> visible license plate. This I masked and added the tag licenceplate,
>> left the masking area, clicked "mark as safe" and "save" - and then  
>> an
>> error showed up:
>> | There was an error saving your changes
>> Now moderating is stuck at this one photo, I can't go on. Marking as
>> unsafe and saving the change gives no reaction of any kind.
> I've got the same issue.
> I'm stuck on an image that I wanted to add a mask to, and it said  
> the same
> thing "There was an error saving your changes". I can't load any  
> more images
> to moderate whilst I've still got this one - and I can't seem to be  
> able to
> do anything at all with this image.
> Some way of being able to download more images to moderate (say, so  
> that you
> have around 10) even if you've got one left would be good here.
Yeah, I had something similar yesterday when I had images assigned to  
me for moderation but enough other people had marked them as safe so  
they had progressed and I couldn't update the status, I'm sure I  
pushed a fix for that so I'll try to have a look at your problem  
tomorrow or at the weekend, if you can post an issue on github that  
would be brilliant:


> A couple more bugs;
> It took half an hour for my authentication e-mail to arrive. Someone  
> else on
> IRC said the same. Some others report it being instant.

This seems to be when people have greylisting on their servers, I  
should be able to make my server retry sooner though.
> Also, I've mistakenly uploaded an image without geolocation in the  
> exif (I
> haven't pushed it towards moderation yet). Any chance we could have  
> the
> option to remove an image?
Answered elsewhere but yes, would be a good idea.

> On Internet Explorer - the map fails to display on the main page.  
> Also, when
> trying to mask-sections of a photo on IE, it appears that you are  
> selecting
> something - but the mask is not blacked out - and no area is actually
> selected.
Pah, IE, but ok I'll take a look ;-)

> On Firefox, I can see the map with thumbnail images in some places.  
> I can't
> see any way of seeing larger images. Is that functionality to be  
> added, or
> is it a bug?
Yeah I don't think there's a way at the moment, you can pull out the  
KML feed though. If you feel like doing it, git is that way -->

Just kidding, but really the github integration should make it really  
easy for people to get involved, no need to ask for an account, just  
clone the repository, make some changes then submit a push request.


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