Am 11.07.2013 20:16, schrieb guillaume:
> ...
> When I first read these sentences I was in shock. I had always assumed
> that the goal of the project was to create a free and open map that
> could be used by anyone.

I can't speak for Steve, I suspect that the specific issue didn't cross
his mind in the very early days. But at least for a long time the goal
(even if not explicitly stated) has been to collect and create free and
open map DATA that can be used by anyone.

Now should there be a all singing and dancing map site based on OSM
data? Absolutely!

However we've expected that somebody other than (for lack of a better
term) "core OSM" would take the OSM data and create such a site.
MapQuest Open and the other sites that have been mentioned are examples
where that has been done. What hasn't happened is that a larger player
has gone full in, that may still happen, maybe it needs a parallel
community effort, maybe it should be "core OSM". As has been pointed out
before, the competitive landscape has changed a lot with google becoming
the near monopolist at least for online mapping services and maybe we
have to rethink

I would normally at this point out that we don't really have any role
model to base our strategy on, wikipedia historically being the only
major consumer and service provider using its data, and for that reason
not being comparable to OSM, but that is naturally no longer true
(google is very likely serving more wikipedia content to the public than
wikipedia itself).



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