On 02/05/2015 02:18, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
.... The same is true with an amenity=restaurant called Subway, since it should be amenity=fast_food and any Subway that is not the well known chain would almost certainly be sued by the well known chain and forced to changed its name.

I wouldn't be so sure here.

As an example, there's a bakery chain in the UK called "Greggs". They're mostly tagged "shop=bakery" (with a few Subway-esque "amenity=fast_food" / "cuisine=sandwich" as well). Occasionally shops like this get wrongly tagged, sometimes as "amenity=cafe", and there's always a temptation to "just fix them". However, guess what? Yesterday I accidentally walked past a genuine Greggs "amenity=cafe":


It seems to share staff with the neighbouring bakery, but is entirely separate inside. A better approach to "tidying up" shops is the one that Math1985 has been using in the UK - add a note, and get some local feedback to separate the genuine errors from the unexpected ones:


A Subway _restaurant_ is clearly a bit of a stretch, but not entirely impossible. I'd definitely add notes rather than remotely fixing these. Alternatively, perhaps contact the previous mapper?



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