2017-10-03 2:25 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:

> Did your proposal also extend to geoemtries? You said something about
> bot:* tags, but if a bot were to orthogonalize an existing building,
> would it then have to create a copy of that tagged "bot:building=yes"?

is automatically orthogonalizing geometry something that people actually do
right now, maybe even on a global level? I'd consider it harmful, and would
propose to revert these edits (as there hasn't been any
announcement/discussion about it like requested by the guidelines). Or was
this just a hypothetical case? Similarly, applying Douglas-Peucker will
always reduce detail (that's why it is used in the end), if there are
curves the detail, even if subtile, is generally wanted (the straighter the
curves are, the bigger the loss).

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