On 27/10/2017 13:00, Tomas Straupis wrote:
    Fine. Let's say in higher level there is only one "forest". Then my
topic moves one layer down and stays exactly the same otherwise.
    What I'm talking is about virtual hierarchy.
    OSM tagging comes AFTER that.
As I map & tag what I see in reality; could you expand on what you mean by
"virtual hierarchy"?
   When you create a map (not a GIS database), you start with hierarchy
of objects which you're going to display. After that you specify what
exactly each of those items in the hierarchy is in your datasets.

You've put the cart before the carthorse.

Entities are mapped & tagged into a database. Individual renderers *then* decide which objects to include & how they appear.

I believe your points are irrelevant to unifying the key tag used to describe groups of trees.


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