On 28/10/2017 22:02, Warin wrote:

Maybe 'purposes' was a bit confusing, I see landuse=residential as a primary tag. Sub-tags are 'descriptive', 'adjective'. The 'cuisine' of a restaurant, or 'managed' for woods. for example.

I see landuse as the primary tag, the values used with it are descriptive.
There are secondary or sub tags such as 'name' that add details.

I agree 'landuse' /is/ primary' but the 'forest' value is being *misused* to describe various attributes of a group of trees: How they're managed, their size & density.

The 'landuse' tag when combined with forest is a misuse of a primary tag as it's being used as an adjective.

The landuse=forest will not always have trees on it. From time to time they may be harvested and result in no trees.

That has nothing to do with my point.

In this case, whether it's managed or not. Actually, it's use is even more confusing with people using it to describe the size of the area & density of trees, which, again, should be described with sub-tags.

The density of trees in a forestry area may change over time, Usually these areas are, when first planted, fairly dense in the number of plants then they are thinned as the trees grow to select the better trees to reach maturity.

Again, irrelevant to the clear stated problem.


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