I only think I will print Frederick's mails, and regularly read them again and again. Deprecated implies «bad, should not exist in OSM database, no one reviewed this object for the last years». It has very strong implications in OSM vocabulary. Using it here would have the effect to readers «Yes, if it's deprecated, of course it should be deleted». No, they are not deprecated, they only are useless to software parsers. They may be useful for contributors. I will not answer anymore to this thread. It feels too much like a scientific paper submission: If you answer to every objection, even sometimes with halt-truth, there will come a time when there is no more to say.

Le 13/11/2017 à 11:27, Yuri Astrakhan a écrit :
JB, try to avoid swearword outburst, not helpful. Are you taking issue with the word "deprecated"? The proper word should probably have been "unnecessary" to discuss the layer=0, per JOSM's naming: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/browser/josm/trunk/data/validator/unnecessary.mapcss

The wiki deprecation only lists one =no: highway=no, but we are not discussing that one yet -- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Deprecated_features

I used the word "deprecated" in a more general term, to mean anything that community has decided to phase out, such as JOSM autofixes and deprecation list.

I have no clue what you meant otherwise about mixing issues. I am attempting to answer every possible question being raised. So far there has been a few very constructive and helpful emails, and lots of sidetracks. If you want to stay focused, re-read my initial post, as well as my most latest post with the new tool capabilities, or just read the Sophox wiki page and try to follow the style of Simon & Tobias - both have raised valid objections, and in both cases it resulted in tool's improvements.

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 3:05 AM, JB <jb...@mailoo.org <mailto:jb...@mailoo.org>> wrote:

    Le 13/11/2017 à 01:16, Yuri Astrakhan a écrit :

        You are right that =0 and =no seem like nobrainers, but if we
        have listed them as deprecated, we should not use them.

    Deprecated? Where did you find that?
    (Swearwords somewhere here. Did someone already said that you mix

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