Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Look at Wikipedia, or any large social organization for that matter. At 
> the village/startup level, you have very few codified rules, but as the 
> group grows to a city/corporation size, it becomes more and more 
> bureaucratic. We may not like it, but clear rules help community 
> maintain cohesion, and prevents many conflicts.

Please, please, please stop this.

OSM is not Wikipedia. The OSM community has evolved a set of norms over the
last 13 years. There are problems and challenges but by and large they work

OSM believes that by minimising rules, you encourage new contributors and
more creative and diverse mapping. Wikipedia believes differently. That's
fine. But there is no single objective truth that Wikipedia is right on this
and OSM is wrong. They're just different.

Please trust the community to follow its own path, rather than trying to
impose behaviours from elsewhere.


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