Hi Yuri,

Am 13.11.2017 um 13:20 schrieb Yuri Astrakhan:
> Christoph, I don't think this works for any community that grows beyond a
> certain size, especially when the community is not in the same
> location/building/land otherwise, and doesn't see each other every day.
> Look at Wikipedia, or any large social organization for that matter. At the
> village/startup level, you have very few codified rules, but as the group
> grows to a city/corporation size, it becomes more and more bureaucratic. We
> may not like it, but clear rules help community maintain cohesion, and
> prevents many conflicts.

No, it works. It works if someone is considerate and mindful and listens
(reads) what people write on mailing lists and forums. That's how I
learned how OSM works. I have read the mailing lists (Talk-de when it
was one of the most active mailing lists) and the German forum and
learned a lot of unwritten rules there. For example, the AGF rule, the
on the ground rule, to be friendly with newbies, not to blindly trust
satellite imagery and so on.

But if someone just bursts into a community instead of feeling his way,
it won't be a surprise if he violates a dozen of unwritten social rules
with one single action.

Best regards


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