Às 13:54 de 31/10/2019, Robert Kaiser escreveu:

That "fair use" argument is actually pretty interesting and something that people often may not think about. IANAL, but I would guess, for example, that taking a screenshot of your app or website, which includes a map and also does include attribution, and then crop it and cut away the attribution incidentally, and use the result as a promotional image on social media, may be a case where it would be considered "fair use" and therefore attribution claims may never be successful due to this exception from copyright law. The specific case is just a guess, but things like that should be taken into account when we go out and demand attribution on every little tidbit of OSM-based imagery we see floating around...
There's not one screenshot in that article and certainly more than one in all that profile. So let's be reasonable and not point exceptions from common practice by a Corporate Member of OSMF, that should be the first to give the example.

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