Le 08/03/2020 à 12:12, Simon Poole a écrit :

Just for the record:

Enforcing attribution for services that you are providing directly (aka tiles in some form) only has a small overlap with the goals of the attribution guideline, and the avenues open to you depend on your ToUs / contracts with your users and the legal situation in the countries you are providing the service in.

It simply demonstrates that as a tile provider, you can technically detect lack of attribution and enforce it.

I would be very very wary of doing anything that deliberately defaces a web site without consulting with a local (to the country the web site is in) lawyer, particularly if the message implies wrong doing. The safe, I admit also the less fun, option, is to simply block access after giving any required notice.

Giving notice is ususally difficult. Contact emails are not read or people reading them do not know how to handle it, who to forward it to, etc...

These attribution reminder tiles are a (highly) visible notice and just 1 tile out of 25... 96% of the basemap is there (now partially attributed).

Maybe changing the wording to "It looks like this site forgot to put the required attribution in this map corner, so we added it for them. Thx for using OpenStreetMap !" ? ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

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