Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 4:23:11 AM, you wrote:

M> let's see how long it lasts.

Well, FWIW, I could not get the cascading menu feature
to work *AT ALL* in 5.1.2, but by de-selecting all of
the options for it in each of my address list groups,
my ENTIRE list of favorites would appear in both the
Create a New Message /and/ the RMB in an address field

After installing 5.1.6, the cascaded menus are working
again in the Create a New message drop list and once
again, *ALL* addresses have been removed from the RMB
menu in the address fields.

With this feature's functionality changing with every
release (for me, at least), it seemed like RIT was
actively working on it.  However, I'm now starting to
believe that there may just be an uninitialized variable
or two involved and every compile is leaving them with
different "random" values that cause different aspects
of this feature to work (or not) in different ways with
each release.  At least, the second option makes more
sense to me (as a programmer myself.)

Steven Vallière | tb 5.1.6 |
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

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