>> After installing 5.1.6, the cascaded menus are working
>> again in the Create a New message drop list and once
>> again, *ALL* addresses have been removed from the RMB
>> menu in the address fields.

>> With this feature's functionality changing with every
>> release (for me, at least), it seemed like RIT was
>> actively working on it.  However, I'm now starting to
>> believe that there may just be an uninitialized variable
>> or two involved and every compile is leaving them with
>> different "random" values that cause different aspects
>> of this feature to work (or not) in different ways with
>> each release.  At least, the second option makes more
>> sense to me (as a programmer myself.)

> I am seeing that problem with this release too - I have several
> groups checked to show in the drop down, and they are not showing

And ... after installing the new MSI files, the drop down list is FIXED (???)

Dear Prince Charming,
You've got some explaining to do!
Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Sleeping Beauty

v5.1.6.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3
Using all POP accounts
I download all images


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