M> Calm down bit.

Yes. Sorry, I was getting a little steamed about 9Val's latest comment
on "priority" and "non-priority". It is a little less than amusing to
fight daily with a malfunctioning program for three years and then
being assigned "non-priority" out of hand.

M> How many e-mail clients are there available in the
M> market? Why choose The Bat!?

When I chose it, there were no alternatives. In the meantime, there
have arisen some, but it takes something to make me change from a
accustomed environment to a new one, especially if I had to go through
the registration circle again with the new solution.

We may be at that point, though. It is not long ago I had been able to
recommend TheBat universally. That was a time when I thought that
malfunctions (to call them bugs would be a gross understatement) would
be worked on. Instead the ones responsible spend their time painting
new colours on the buttons! Incredible! :-((

Sorry, steam rising again.

M> No software of this kind will ever satisfy
M> every user 100%.

I'll grant that for e.g. TheBat not being able to use standard LF/CR
handling in the editor. It hurts me every day, but if this is just
TheBat's way I can't say much against it.

But on other issues this doesn't work. TheBat is sold as IMAP-capable.
Still, IMAP doesn't work. This is not something to be liked or not, it
is a serious malfunction. If we were talking about cars the government
would withdraw RIT's license for selling this vehicle. It's only the
software business where engineers still think they can get away with a
product where 51% of the features are working "in some way".

M> If your % of satisfaction with TB is as low as it seems from your
M> message, why suffer? Go find another one.

I am at that point. Up until the last few days I could not bring
myself to believe that the disinterested neglegence RIT exhibits
really stems from facts. I thought they were busy working in the
meantime instead of writing messages. Apparently, this is not the
case. They don't even pretend to be. It's at least honest, but they
still won't score a cookie for it.

M> Let's be reasonable. We are talking about a magnificent and quite
M> complex piece of software (and therefore with bugs) [...]

I'm not challenging that. I'm a programmer myself, and rationally I
understand the reason that there always will be bugs. But when I
market a program, I react to people's needs, concerns and suggestions.
I do not develop in a direction that is neither needed nor wanted and
leave my customers hanging out on the lim in the meantime. I
especially don't just re-lable an alpha version that has not fixed any
bugs but, on the contrary, introduced a bucket full of new ones as a
release version.

M> If after purchasing and using it for some time (years in your case,
M> I think) someone finds his/her % of satisfaction is low, why
M> suffer? Look for another one, buy it and use it happily.

You're absolutly right. I will have to go that path.

It is difficult for me though, because not only have I myself used
TheBat for quite a while but recommended it to friends and clients,
some of whom have themselves bought licenses. It's not nice to go to
them and admit that I seriously misjudged the fitness of the authors
of the program and that I'm sorry, but they should better use
something else as well. This is not something you enjoy. Because, see
- I DO care for the users I service, private or commercial. My mistake
was to apply that standard to RIT, too.

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