Hello TheBat Beta List Members!!!

Someday, and that was in Tuesday night, Marek wrote something like this:
>>>> Pardon  me,  but the customer – in this case it is *us* – does not care
>>>> about  *internal* plans behind closed doors. The customer wants to rely
>>>> on official statements from RITLabs and not on rumors.
>>> pardon accepted, but we in TBBETA are not only customers.
>> Oh,  come  on,  Marek!  If  we are primarily *not* customers, what do you
>> think we are?
> read carefully what I wrote. You are customer, but not only.

Please  go to this Forum http://thebat.pl/forum/index.php and search for all
IMAP related topics.

Then  go  to this Forum http://www.batboard.net/ and look how many topics is
about IMAP problems.

Got  to this forum http://www.ritlabs.com/en/forum/ and also search for IMAP

You can compare this results with POP related topics.

You  think  that  all  IMAP  related discussions on tbbeta are only minority
reports or just only this people that read this discussion list?

BTW if RIT want more new customers then should also work on RTL support.

Thanks and best regards,
 Sebastian Murawski

 Current beta is 4.2.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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