[Reply to: »Marck D Pearlstone« · 2009-06-09 · 01:08 h (CET)]

Moin, Marck!

>>>>> pardon accepted, but we in TBBETA are not only customers.

>>>> Oh, come on, Marek! If we are primarily *not* customers, what do
>>>> you think we are?

>>> read carefully what I wrote. You are customer, but not only.

>> And a beta tester. So I have no right to get information in time?
>> You cannot be serious! It is just ridiculous!

> Okay - let me interject in this thread to try to dismantle the tower
> of babel that seems to be looming above us.

Yep, thanks! :-)

> I think Marek means "We are not *the* only customers (that RITlabs
> has)".

That is a completely *different* meaning. Thanks for clarification.

> This is a truth. Here on TBBETA we represent a tiny minority of the
> RITlabs customer base and I would suggest that we are hardly a
> typical set of users.

> Nobody is saying that you don't make a valid point, only that you
> haven't considered all the factors at play.

Okay, maybe until now the subject line has been a little misleading:

1. All I want to say is, that I want clear statements from *RITLabs*
   which we can rely on, e.g. like a simple 'Hey guys, we're still
   working on it, but needed to fix some urgent customer problems

2. And again I do *not* care so much about rework on IMAP just because
   I only sometimes have little problems (aka "pet peeves") with IMAP,
   but no real showstoppers. But obviously there are a lot of people,
   who have *serious* problems with IMAP support. And I think that
   these people have the right to get a statement like the one
   mentioned above.

I hope that now my intention is clear and we can close this thread.


P.S.: Maybe the RITguys read this thread, too …

- --
Volker Ahrendt | q...@ahrendt.net
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