On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 08:43:49PM +0700, tracer wrote:
> No idea, I use one filter per mailing list and send them to  folders
> in an account which will never dial out or in called mailing lists...
> As far as I can see you have no way of getting all mailing lists in
> one go  and if you could it would cost me a LOT more time making the
> expression then to make an extra filter...

    Then you don't know regex, do you?  Here's the perlized version to catch
all lists off listar, majordomo and LSERV.

if (($line =~ m/^X-List: (.*)/) ||
    ($line =~ m/^Sender: owner-(.*)@/) ||
    ($line =~ m/^Sender: (.*)-owner@/)){
  $filter_to = $account/Mailing Lists/$1;

    I could, if I felt like it, merge all that into one regex, but sometimes
it is faster to compile three simpler regex instead of one complex one.  That
logic, along with the ability to use the register results in the folder area,
would catch most of the email list traffic out there.  

    Took me <1 minute to make that pseudo code.  Takes me about the same time
to make one filter.  I have over 30 lists on my two accounts.  ~30 minutes
compared to ~1 minute.  Which is faster agian?  :)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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