On Sunday, January 09, 2000, 11:10:50 AM, Allie Martin wrote:

>         No, not a redundant step at all. It allows him to read all mailing
> list mail in one central location and then they are filtered to their
> respective subfolders.

Oh, I see. Alright, then the messages that would be re-filtered from that
point, would all be 'read' messages, correct? In that case, all of the
Mailing List-specific folders that those read messages would be
re-filtered to, would then act as some kind of archive for each List?

>         It's easier to just read messages from 1 folder instead of eight.

Hmmm... perhaps... to some. Personally, I would find it confusing to start
reading 500 messages from 8 different Mailing Lists in one folder. I find
it much easier to filter from the Inbox directly into each Mailing List
Folder. One glance at the Folder Tree on the left shows me what Folders
have new mail, and how many, and I can quickly choose which ones, if any,
to read. Once I read them, messages I want to keep, are then put into
their respective archive folders, which I've set up as sub folders of each
Mailing List folder. I have to do that manually for now, as I haven't
spent much time trying to figure out the Read Messages Filter section
yet... but I will.

I'm really enjoying The Bat, and hopefully my new registration will arrive
via E-Mail on Monday or Tuesday. When it does, Outlook 2k will officially
be rendered as my back-up Mailer. :o) If version 2 is anything like Leif
claims it is, then I'll also be able to relegate Netscape to back-up as
well. I've tried Opera, but find it extremely difficult/frustrating to set
up News reading and Mail, to say nothing of the trouble getting Plug-ins
to work.


-=Nick Andriash=-
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