Hi, all,

Steve Lamb wrote...

>> Why  is  this  happening  and am I missing some configurable option/setting
>> here?

SL>     It is happening because that is a logical thing to do.  Put you right
SL> where you were when you were last in that folder.  There is a problem with
SL> this?

   It's the logical thing for people who want it that way, but other
   programs at least give you the option of opening a folder at a new
   message, not an old one you've already read once.

   What The Bat! does is require one extra key stroke (CTRL + ]) to
   find an unread message. It doesn't even give you a means of finding
   the next unread message in a different folder directly, because
   when you jump to a new folder, you'll be at an already read
   message. Sorry, Steve, I don't see how you can so dogmatically say
   this is "the logical thing to do." Many people like to read new
   messages when they go to a folder, not old ones.  If that option is
   not available now, it ought to be made available in a new version.

 John De Hoog, Tokyo
 The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3
 Windows NT 4 Build 1381

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