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On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:01:31 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

ACM>> The other two times I moved my mail folders, I closed TB!, moved the
ACM>> folders, edited the HKCU/Software/RIT/The Bat!/Users Depot entry values
ACM>> appropriately and only then did I restart TB! to see things working as if
ACM>> nothing had happened.

TF> While this is a nice workaround, there is an easier way. I jsut moved
TF> the mail directory from one of my accounts, and it worked as follows
TF> from within TB:

<method snipped>

TF> 7. If you have a problem with the filters, or the account properties
TF> seemed to have disappeared, check whether all the account.* files are
TF> where they should be.

This is exactly the problem I had when I did it this way in that I lost
all my folder settings, templates and filters. Lucky for you, you copied
the folder to the new location instead of moved it, a critical
difference in method. :-)

TF> This wasn't the case, so I had to copy them over from the old
TF> directory again, of course copied from another account's directory
TF> and didn't understand the world. Don't do that. Copy from the
TF> account you have moved.

What TB! seems to do when we changed it's working directory path was to
create basic config files in the new directory, *overwriting* the ones
we had before. This is the reason behind the apparent disappearance of
the templates, filters etc. Since you had copied the folder, you could
then easily copy back over the config files again solving the problem. I
wasn't so lucky. Admittedly it's a good idea, provided the folder is
copied and not moved. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
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** "Oxymoron: Sit up. "
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