
Friday, January 05, 2001, 10:06:24 PM, Olivier Reubens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OR> Why does no e-mail client have an option to deliver sent mail
OR> directly to the addressed person's SMTP server. Am I missing an
OR> obvious "NO" here, or have I just thought up a totally new type of
OR> internet application (Maybe I should file a patent for it right away
OR> <grin>)

No patents here <grin too>. And the answers to your question is quite
1. There are MUAs that allow user to deliver e-mail messages directly to
the SMTP server of some addressee.
2. This delivery scheme is unusual at the user's end and isn't
appreciated by the ISPs. Remember that user != server :-)
3. Many SMTP servers are using DUL (http://maps.vix.com/dul/) to prevent
direct connections from the non-local dial-up users (if any).
4. We're living in the world of spam. Let the servers do their work


Yours sincerely,

Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)     http://www.andris.msk.ru/

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