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- --Pb [P] wrote:

P> I know that it is meant for advanced users, but if you want (not
P> you of course but the creators/editors of The Bat!) to make a few
P> bucks out of this program, you have to have a large audience.

I'm not sure if my opinion is valid one but anyway:

I'm in the medical field. I don't directly use a computer at work. I
have no formal training in computing either. One of the things that
impressed me MOST about TB! when I first started using it, was how easy
it was to create those templates. Have you given it a try? I could
write TB! templates before I could write batch files.

Stop gawking at those complex, regular expression based and recursive
macros. Most will not need to go there. Leave them to those capable of
writing them. You can use them, sure. But you don't have to be able to
write them. TB!'s implementation allows EASY creation of simple
templates for most individual needs and still allows creation of
complex, powerful macros. This is perfect if you ask me. It allows the
user to develop as I and others have. I can now help myself with a lot
of the more complex template macros but I still have a few here that I
use but don't understand. I only know what they do.

P> And regarding the "Macros" button, I couldn't agree more if I were
P> an anglophone. But I have to tweak like hell those codes just to
P> have a simple French date line that goes like "Mardi, le 18 juin
P> 2002 à 14h37".

Well, there's obtaining the standard output and then there's tweaking
the standard output. Two *totally* different tasks. With what you
wish, you'll very likely not be able to tweak things the way you have.
Be careful what you wish for. There's a tradeoff one has to make
between power and simplicity. The simplicity is already there and yet
the power is there as well in a way I've personally never seen before
in an application.

P> Of course, I would never be able to do that without the help of
P> some power users. This is why I say that it is too complicated.

It is complicated because being able to do this doesn't come easily.
You *have* to put in your time to learn it. You can't expect all that
you wish to do to be learnt in a snap. We certainly would wish this
but it's certainly not the case.

I'm by no means an expert at writing regular expressions but I can
take care of myself where most of my needs are concerned. It's simple
for me to write some of the expressions that I write now, but not
before many hours of sitting down and learning to write them.

P> There must be a way to implement simple yet powerful features with
P> check boxes. I am no programmer, but I am sure that the solution is
P> out there for anyone with a bit of imagination.

You'd end up castrating the interface and holding everyone back. What
about those who want to do more??? I don't see how under the sun one
can reduce the construction of those more complex macro/regex combos
to simple drop down menu selections. This is why the CLI and
programming languages will be here to stay, whether it's behind the
scenes or not.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60q | Windows XP Pro
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