Hello Marck,

Sunday, July 14, 2002, 6:14:50 PM, you wrote:

MDP> If ZA didn't *sometimes* interfere (and with more than just TB)
MDP> for some folks, then the same answer wouldn't keep coming back,
MDP> would it?

I agree. IIRC the common denominator with ZA (or ZAP)and TB! is that
the user has an always ON connections and auto downloads. My memory
may be wrong, but I'm still on the old dial up connection and
everything manual.  Hopefully in the near future I will be able to
upgrade this old PC and change to wide band connection. If my memory
is correct, I'll probably experience the problem. <g>

MDP> Yes Greg, I get that maybe you have no problem with it... as yet
MDP> <g>. Please try not to impede other people from recommending what
MDP> has proven time and again to be a sound remedial course of
MDP> action: dump ZA and put on a firewall that lets the OS work
MDP> without interference.

On the contrary I have had problems with ZAP see
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. It works for me now, but the
quality of service is NOT going in a direction that I perceive is
favorable for long term. In the newsgroup grc.security.software under
subject "Re: ZAP 3.0.133 comments", Message-ID:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have in fact brought up
the matter of conflicts with TB!. I'm pretty sure this newsgroup is
visited by ZL employees, so if ZL doesn't know about problems with TB!
they do now.

MDP> I have never let ZA near my systems because of the bad press it gets
MDP> here and elsewhere. Allie, my co-moderator here, has some first rate
MDP> horror stories of what it did to him. That's good enough for me. I
MDP> can't afford that kind of mess.

It depends upon what press you read, see
I've often wondered how heavy the advertising dollar weighs in these
decision, or what perspective the products are being evaluated such as
level of computer experience, etc. I do agree with you in that users
experiences have more weight in formulating my decisions about
software. This is the main reason I am a member of this mail list. <g>

Best regards,

Greg Strong                     
TB! v1.60q/Post5 on Windows 98  

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